ArcGIS Business Analyst helps you make smarter decisions for market planning, site selection, and customer segmentation by combining demographic, business, lifestyle, spending, and census data with map-based analytics. Through desktop, web, and mobile apps, Business Analyst demographic mapping software helps you identify under-performing markets, pinpoint the right growth sites, find where your target customers live, and share the analysis across your organization as accurate infographic reports and dynamic presentations.
Cinematographer: Kimby Caplan
Director: Philip Giancola
ArcGIS Business Analyst helps you make smarter decisions for market planning, site selection, and customer segmentation by combining demographic, business, lifestyle, spending, and census data with map-based analytics. Through desktop, web, and mobile apps, Business Analyst demographic mapping software helps you identify under-performing markets, pinpoint the right growth sites, find where your target customers live, and share the analysis across your organization as accurate infographic reports and dynamic presentations.
For more information, please visit:
Made for Esri
Director/Producer: Philip Giancola